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Red Brick Oil: Ward Off Evil, Protect Your Person and Property

Red Brick Oil: Ward Off Evil, Protect Your Person and Property

Regular price $10.78
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Made With Old Red Bricks and Dragon's Blood.

Red brick dust is a traditional powerful Hoodoo mineral for protecting the home.

We love its effects so much that we couldn't resist turning it into an oil.

Once you've scrubbed your front porch thoroughly, anoint the threshold with our Red Brick Oil to keep negative energy and enemies (including evil spirits, demons and egregores) from entering. 

It is an excellent barrier against ghosts as well (provided that the ghosts don't already live within the home. If the ghosts are unwanted residents in the home, we recommend our Banishing Oil instead).

(Note: If you have a loved one who is possessed by a demon, use our Exorcism Oil for that.)

We grind our red brick dust by hand from old red bricks from a beloved church built in the 1920's that was recently bull dozed for safety reasons. The church was well known for its mystical energy and sacred connection with the people of the town for many generations. We perform a spiritual cleansing of the bricks first and then grind them to powder right here in our little witch kitchen. 

Our Red Brick Oil is terrific as an Uncrossing Oil. We recommend keeping one in the glove box of your car and carrying one in your pocket or purse for added personal protection when you're away from the home or office. 


You Will Receive

One .5 oz. (15ml) bottle of Red Brick Conjure Oil



Happy Spell Crafting and Blessed Be!

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