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Shi Shi Oil: For Synchronicity, Financial Goals, Gambling and Turning Bad Luck into Good Luck

Shi Shi Oil: For Synchronicity, Financial Goals, Gambling and Turning Bad Luck into Good Luck

Regular price $10.78
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Our potent Shi Shi oil draws your desires to you and helps you manifest your goals very fast. It's an EXTREMELY potent attraction oil.

Use in resolving court cases, paying bills, financial assistance, employment opportunities, gambling, and even love. It works especially well in emergency situations.

Your homespun bottle of Shi Shi contains essential oils, herbs, gemstones and an i ching coin, all charmed specifically to turn the attention of The Universe directly to you.

As we prepare your oil (and yes, we do this FRESH, just for YOU, EVERY SINGLE TIME), we chant your name in the process; a prayer that The Universe sends directly to YOUR deity and in your behalf.

Excellent for bringing you luck and prosperity at every single turn.

Anoint the threshold of your doors for protection and blessings from your deity.

Once you have performed your spell or ritual, remove the i ching coin from the infused oil and wear it on a chain around your neck as a constant good luck charm from us.

We look forward to hearing how our Shi Shi Oil blesses YOUR life! Please email us your story and we'll post it right here on the listing so you can share the joy of your fortune with all the world!

You Will Receive

One .5 oz. (15ml) bottle of Shi Shi Conjure Oil



Happy Spell Crafting and Blessed Be!

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